Werewolves Devlog #2 - Gameplay

Hey everyone! In this post we’ll quickly be going over the gameplay of Werewolves (sorry for the lateness 😬)

The gameplay of Werewolves will be much different from the prelude. There will be a bigger focus on exploration and investigation over just puzzles as well as some combat with the wolves being killable this time. Since we’ve put a bigger emphasis on horror, the environment will be scary and tense; you’ll never know what’s around the next corner. As talked about in the last post, clues will be hidden around to give you an idea of what to head to next, with vague objectives to also guide you. We want the player to be able to explore around instead of being confined to a linear path. Beware though, just because you can explore doesn’t mean it won’t be dangerous. Wolves will be looking for you everywhere, so you’ll have to be careful. There might also be some…other…obstacles in your way. Our goal is for a very atmospheric game with a good story. 

While being short, we hoped that this has given you a better idea of what to expect in terms of gameplay. We unfortunately did not have time to put together a video but got some new screenshots for you to enjoy.

The lead developer has also started streaming the creation of the game if you’re interested in that (https://www.twitch.tv/sir_dj_cat) As always make sure to follow for notifications when the game comes out and to check back next week for a special gameplay video!

- Magic Chicken Studios

(Make sure to share your thoughts below or on the forums)

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